Day 19
To feel good for so many days at sea and to be performing in maneuvers, physical preparation is essential.
Agility and balance are needed to move on the deck or below deck on a vessel that, being light and powerful, in certain conditions, can be nervous and “bounce” you around.
Flexibility is needed to squeeze into tight spaces for routine checks and to prevent muscle pain.
Strength and endurance are needed to move weights according to conditions, or from one side to the other (some sails weigh as much as a 5-year-old child), or to use the winches in challenging maneuvers.
Above all, it is important to arrive ready, because every day on a boat loses a bit of flexibility, endurance, and muscle tone.
Every day, I see my legs getting drier, and with every maneuver, I feel my heart rate higher than the previous one.
A bit like astronauts…
Day 20
In the fridge
Southern Hemisphere. Spring for a few days.
The temperature is variable depending on our latitude.
It was a pleasure to turn the Eclipse waypoint. We enjoyed milder temperatures. Dried bones and boat.
That the temperature is not high can also be seen from fruit and vegetables. Shipped on the day of departure (apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cherry tomatoes) and still in perfect condition. Thank goodness!
Some days it feels like going into a fridge when you go forward to look for an apple or an orange.
Day 21
Food on board is important.
Fresh and light foods for when it’s hot. Something that warms you up for the cold.
Snacks for hunger attacks or if there’s no time to heat up food.
Foods shouldn’t be heavy and make you sleepy. No alcohol, better to avoid stimulating or relaxing substances.
Of the two, the latter is better. You already sleep just enough… it’s crucial to fall asleep immediately…
I am a good eater at the table and eat everything. Therefore, I rely on professionals who prepare daily packs based on the estimated calorie intake and weather conditions